Magazine reader | Energy Digital

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One step forward, two steps back. Climate change commitments announced at the Leaders’ Summit were overshadowed by an IEA report stating global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions are on course to surge by 1.5 billion tonnes in 2021 – the second-largest increase in history.

The perennial challenge is not so much agreeing on the urgency of the climate crisis but delivering tangible measures that can filter down to every country and community – and quickly.

Whether it’s solar, wind or hydrogen, or heat pumps, fuel cells and electric vehicles – there’s no shortage of exciting developments, all underpinned by digital transformation and the constant growth in AI, ML and data analytics. Renewables-powered Scotland is an undoubted success story and the breadth of onshore and offshore activity is testament to the changes underway.

But there’s no time for complacency. As economies eagerly look to spur into action after COVID, the challenge is to manage growth sustainably.

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